Everyone on the internet is talking about this viral hairstyle: a fluffy, voluminous blowout, commonly seen as a callback to the ‘90s. Some of the inspiration for this look includes iconic celebrities like Cindy Crawford, Alicia Silverstone, and Denise Richards. There’s a common misconception that you have to have a certain haircut (i.e. curtain… Read more »
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Gearing Up For The Holiday Season

Now that Halloween is over (and no matter how much you might dread it) it’s that joyous time of year to start your holiday shopping. Lucky for you, Aveda and Soleil have all you could possibly need! From friends to family, we have every gift you’re looking for. Consider today’s post a gift guide, or… Read more »
READ MOREBenefiting Breast Cancer: One Product at a Time

The time has finally come for Aveda’s annual breast cancer benefit. Each year during the month of October, Aveda puts together a fundraiser to support breast cancer research. If you’ve been waiting for a good reason to shop Aveda, there’s no better time than now – it is breast cancer awareness month, after all! … Read more »
READ MORECombat the Cold with Aveda’s Nutriplenish Set

As fall quickly approaches, many of us are beginning to experience those dreaded annual hair setbacks. For some reason, it seems like a lot of hair-care progress is lost around this time each year. A simple explanation for this would be that the cooler weather tends to create an intense drying effect, forcing countless people… Read more »
READ MOREProduct Spotlight: Aveda Firming Sleeping Masque

As we uncovered in our most recent blog: “Why Cryoskin?”, cryo is an incredibly effective tool used to tone features. So now we ask the question: is there anything you can do to make these results more evident? In keeping with this week’s theme, we decided to talk about a masque that may help you… Read more »