There are so many reasons why people have difficulty taking weight off their bodies. You could be doing everything right, like eating healthy and working out to keep your body in tip-top shape. But for some, doing so isn’t enough. And for a while, those people had very few options. They saw no way to fix their problems other than with invasive surgery, which can be damaging and uncertain.
Then, Cryoskin was invented, and it revolutionized cellulite loss as we knew it. Brought to the U.S. market only years ago, Cryoskin has already become very popular in the beauty world as an elimination tool for fat cells. Over the years, it has also proven to have a number of benefits besides fat reduction, including: muscle toning, diminishing of fine lines, creating an appearance of youthfulness, and ultimately, weight loss. Arguably the biggest advantage of the technology, however, is that it’s completely nonsurgical.
We can understand why Cryoskin may appear a little too “easy” to some. But everything you need to know about this technology is completely backed by science. Cryoskin utilizes the Peltier Effect, a biological process which describes how controlled body temperature can form results. In basic terms, the process begins with the destruction of fat cells using extreme frigidness. With only the debris of the fat cells left, macrophages from the lymphatic system come to dispose of them once and for all, thus fully removing them from the body. Additionally, when the extreme cold is applied to the body, it sparks the procedure of apoptosis, which is a natural action within the body that specifically targets cellulite and eliminates it. With the help of Cryoskin technology, this process becomes much more efficient and precise, leaving you with optimal results.
Let us prove to you how it works. Soleil Salon & Spa offers this technology in both CryoSlimming and CryoToning forms. CryoSlimming is most popular and effective amongst those who live a healthy lifestyle and have a BMI rating under 35. It’s used most commonly to kill fat cells, but can also help improve the overall appearance of your skin. CryoToning, on the other hand, uses less-cold temperatures in order to increase skin elasticity, reduce fine lines, and define features. In these quick, pain-free sessions, we’ll comfortably target the areas where you want to see a change. With us, you’ll undoubtedly begin to notice a positive difference, in both your body and your life.
If you’ve been at a standstill with your weight loss progress, Cryoskin might just be what you’re looking for. To learn more about how these processes work at Soleil, our website goes into further detail. Say goodbye to that extra weight forever, and book your appointment with us today!